08 November 2023

Ten minute email id

Ever been to a website that required you to enter your email id to sign up for even a short trial, and doing so, exposed you to their spammy newsletters and promotional emails? Well, 10minutemail is here to rescue you from that.

I came across this interesting concept https://10minutemail.com/ (there's also https://10minutemail.net/), which allows you to keep extending the 10 minute limit. If you refresh the page, you won't lose that email id until the 10 minutes expires. 

I tried sending an email from my real email id to the address shown, and sure enough, within a minute, 10minutemail showed the test email in its inbox. You'll have to scroll down for it.

It's interesting that people actually created such a concept.


  • Did you know that GMail ignores the dot in an email id? For example, if you have an email id as brad.pitt@gmail.com, you can write it as bradpitt@gmail.com, and the email will still reach the same person.
  • Did you know that you can add anything after a plus symbol, and those parts get ignored by GMail? For example, if you subscribe to a newsletter from vox, you can provide your email id to them as bradpitt+vox@gmail.com. The "+vox" will be ignored, but when you receive the email, the email id will be shown as "bradpitt+vox@gmail.com". This makes it much easier to filter emails and recognize where it's coming from.

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