12 April 2014

Skill page

Experience never gets old

I joined the software field because it is what I enjoy doing. I'm the kind of guy who has a knack for finding information, analyzing it, learning, unlearning and creatively re-applying it to build a product and to mentor others. 
Hire me for:
  • Brainstorming
  • Architecture design
  • Finding creative solutions
  • Automating repetitive work 
  • Mentoring junior developers
  • Building software that is not a headache to use 
  • Tasks that require going into a lot of detail and require a lot of care and precision
  • Coordinating with various stakeholders where tech knowledge and the capability to understand technology is paramount

Masters Degree in Machine Learning

I did my M.Tech at one of the top colleges in Bangalore (and was the first ranker in my class), by clearing the difficult computer science GATE exam in the first attempt. These are some my projects.

Computational Intelligence (Genetic/Evolutionary programming/PSO)
Otsu thresholding of images using Differential Evolution.

Neural Networks
Mackey Glass time series prediction using a custom-built backpropagation algorithm.

Statistical Detection and Estimation
Distinguishing between foreground and background pixels.

Image Processing
Tracking pedestrians with simple image processing techniques and a quadtree.

Pattern Recognition
Identifying faces with PCA and Naive Bayes and tracking a face in a video using PCA, HOG, Naive Bayes and SVM.

Data Mining
Time series analysis with ARIMA and MLP. Decision tree pruning with Information Gain.

Applied Machine Learning
Face detection with a combination of morphology, Viola Jones Haar features and MLP.

 Emotion recognition using Neural Networks incorporating ReLU.

Natural Language Processing
Extraction of action phrases using a hybrid of Bayesian network and a context-sensitive quasi-Conditional Random Field.



C-DAC brought the internet to India and they built India's first supercomputer. We were taught by some very capable researchers. My Post Graduation Diploma in Software also involved passing the dreaded MGPT's.

Object Oriented Programming, Datastructures, Computer Organization and Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, Object Oriented Analysis and Design. Software Engineering. Web Technologies.


Languages & Frameworks

Good knowledge

Have worked extensively on these. Even if I've forgotten some of it due to a time-gap, I can catch up quickly.

Python, Java, Apache Storm, C++, STL, Boost, Target-tracking / State-estimation algorithms, Processing (it's a language), MATLAB, D3.js, CSS, HTML, BASIC, ActionScript

Working knowledge

Have worked on these just enough for it to be useful in completing a project and/or having worked on it as part of my self-development and learning

PyQt, R, MySQL, Jongo, RabbitMQ, Spring Boot, JavaScript, C, VC++, PHP, ffMPEG, Git, NGINX


Learning-level knowledge

Have dabbled with these at work and/or as self-development, and don't have much knowledge on it.

Generative AI, Golang, MongoDB, Flask, Express.js, Django, Docker, Kubernetes, Spring framework, Shell Scripting, Jenkins/Hudson (continuous integration), Open GL, Leaflet.js, DirectX, TBB, MKL, JQuery, JSP, OpenMP, GDAL, Firebreath, SDL, Open Scene Graph, OGRE, Make/CMake, Ant, Gradle, Greasemonkey


Neural Networks, Evolutionary Algorithms, Image processing, Pattern Recognition, Statistical Detection and Estimation, Data Analytics and Data Mining, Windows, Linux, Mac, Interaction Design (UX and UI), Decision Analysis & Review, Agile software development, Clearcase, Enterprise Architect (EA), GIS, Rational Purify Plus, Struts2, Servlets, Visio, Valgrind, GDB, ActiveX controls, Cosmic FP Estimation, CMMI, Requirements Elicitation, Unit testing, Six hats thinking brainstorming, JQWidgets, Design patterns, Quantify, VTune, GIMP, PyMunk, Markdown, XML, JSON.


My Research Papers

You'll find them on Google Scholar.



Was well known for winning at competitions.

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