11 August 2022

Another of Google's Easter Eggs: Dog and cat paws. Even Batman zooming across the screen!

It's a relief from the daily grind to see one of Google's Easter Eggs in the form of some animations, games or silly suggestions. This time, it was to celebrate international cat day. When you Google "cat" on your desktop web browser, or with your mobile phone browser switched to "desktop mode", you'll see a paw icon animating on the right side. Click it and then click anywhere else on the screen, and a cat will leave a paw mark. You can see the same when you search for "dog" or "bruce wayne".

I decided to have a look at how they did it, and there was a difference in the code of the page when there is an animation and when there isn't. Just a bunch of JavaScript.

It's nice that Google allows its employees to show some creativity from time to time. Something that other companies could learn from.

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