24 June 2021

How to use Jupyter notebook locally (and an intro to Fast AI)

When refreshing my knowledge about which Deep Learning library is currently most popular, I came across a blog which listed PyTorch at the top. Theano was apparently on its way to oblivion, and libraries like Neural Magic and Caffe claimed to offer better performance than TensorFlow. However, Fast AI was a library which had an accompanying course that was gaining popularity quite fast. Their book is available as a free Jupyter notebook, but I wanted to try it offline. Here's how:

You don't need to install Anaconda. Just do:

pip install jupyter

To get Fast AI's book, do:

git clone https://github.com/fastai/fastbook.git

Open a terminal in the cloned folder and type:

jupyter notebook

Your default web browser will open up and the Jupyter environment will be available on localhost as http://localhost:8888/tree.


It's that simple. Now just click on the hyperlinks on the page, and the ipynb notebook will be visible. You'll have to wait a few seconds for the notebook to load though. 

Do have a look at Fast AI's course too. Quite good. Although I prefer watching it directly on YouTube, since there are additional video controls there. Lesson 0, lesson1, lesson 2, lesson 3, lesson 4, lesson 5, lesson 6 and lesson 7.

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