11 November 2018

Which is better? Octave or Matlab?

I'd say choose Matlab if you can. It's much faster than Octave.

A Sudoku program I developed used to take two minutes to run 2000 iterations in Matlab. The same program took 13 minutes to run 500 iterations in Octave.

The reason apparently, is because Matlab uses Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL) internally, and I have personally seen the significant speed boost MKL gives, when I tried it for some of my C++ code I developed long ago.

Apart from this, there's the Matlab GUI which is far better than Octave in terms of customizability and plain-old user friendliness.

Granted, that Octave is being built by the open source community, but the community should have seriously considered the aspect of processing speed before starting the project. Even now it isn't impossible to make the switch to MKL. The speed changes I had seen in my C++ program were after I replaced the old code with function calls to MKL and it worked.

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