05 August 2017

Programs to install after a fresh Ubuntu installation (specifically for 16.04)

Install vim:

sudo apt-get -y install vim

Create a bash aliases file.

gedit .bash_aliases; source .bash_aliases

vim .bashrc, and add this to the end of your .bashrc: (not necessary Ubuntu 20 onward)

if [ -f $HOME/.bash_aliases ]
  . $HOME/.bash_aliases


Download Google Chrome and install it:

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb 

If there's an error with appstreamcli:

sudo apt install --reinstall libappstream3

Remove Amazon:

sudo rm /usr/share/applications/ubuntu-amazon-default.desktop
sudo rm /usr/share/unity-webapps/userscripts/unity-webapps-amazon/Amazon.user.js
sudo rm /usr/share/unity-webapps/userscripts/unity-webapps-amazon/manifest.json

Install various programs:

sudo apt-get update; install gimp; install vlc; install git; install audacity; uninstall rhythmbox; install audacious; install kdenlive; install kazam; install inkscape; install gnome-tweaks; install meld; install kdiff3; install gparted; install shutter; install htop; install iotop; install tcpdump; install atop; install nethogs; install nmon; install glances; install dmsetup; install swapspace; install snapd; install redshift; install git-cola; install bleachbit; sudo apt autoremove -y;

Remove the boot curtain and the ugly pink grub background:


Change grub timeout:

gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub; sudo update-grub

Install Snap if necessary and change the update time:

sudo snap set system refresh.timer=fri,3:00-3:01

Install virtual environment for Python:


Get rid of Ubuntu 16.04's annoying drumbeat sound:

sudo mv /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login{,-disabled}.ogg; sudo mv /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/system-ready{,-disabled}.ogg

Other tasks

  • Install Firefox extensions.
  • Change colors of terminal.
  • Change settings of Gedit.
  • Change the wallpaper. 
  • Create another user.
  • Disable the guest account.